smiling young female entrepreneur checking time on wristwatch while working on laptop in modern workspace

5 Habits for Better Time Management

One of the most common pressures people feel is time; there’re things to do, but not enough time to get them all done.

However, with good time management, productivity levels will increase. This also means you’ll be able to do many more things within the day – so long as you manage your time well.

So the only way to be less busy is to be more disciplined. If you want some tips, here’s how:

1. The Easiest Way to Set Work Hours

Working time is hard to manage and it’s easy to end up with less free time. Sticking to work hours will make sure you don’t have so many things on your plate. 

2. Schedule Play Hours, Tons of Fun!

It’s crucial to have some time aside from work each day for other activities. This gives you a way of focusing on your work.

3. Schedule Communications for All Your Business Needs

Establish specific, designated times during your workday for when you are going to read your email. This should usually be the first thing and last thing you do each day, but definitely not in between! Doing so will ensure that your workflow hours are spent more purposefully. Turn off any alerts on your phone- it can zap productivity faster than you know! 

It’s important to have one email for work and one email for personal matters. If you’re just checking it out of the blue, check your personal email. If you want daily alerts or work-related activities, check your work email.

4. Plan for Success with Milestones and Deadline

 It always helps to know what you want to accomplish for the day, month, or year ahead. A vision with milestones and deadlines will allow you to stay focused and productive throughout the day.

5. The Best To-Do Lists for Getting Things Done

 A to-do list with a detailed schedule can really help you stay on track. Put time in your schedule for unexpected interruptions or emergencies that might come up throughout the day.  

Managing your time better doesn’t require a lot of effort. Simply use these little tricks and you should be able to balance both work and life more easily!

Read more about Time Management in this eBook:

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