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Emotional Intelligence: How to Boost Your EQ and Live a Happier Life

Emotional Intelligence is key for success in any business relationship. When it comes to finding success in everything that you do, many people tend to think that IQ is the critical factor; however, this is not true.

We’ve all spent a ton of time in school & in life, cramming, writing exams, and studying to become more intelligent humans. However, researchers have come up with new ways to scientifically measure intelligence that don’t require people to be crammed into stuffy classrooms for endless hours of hard work.

Research shows that 19 different aspects of emotional intelligence influence the bottom line of any company. Emotional intelligence is what helps us work well with other people. Being acutely aware of your own emotions and the feelings of others is key to emotional intelligence.

If you want to be successful in e.g marketing, emotional intelligence should be a part of your skillset. This is where smart advertising strategies and equally clever copywriting come in because the emotions generated by your ad could make all the difference between success and failure.

However, emotional intelligence has a huge impact on all aspects of your professional and personal life. From your ability to sell products to your ability to make friends, it’s become increasingly important in every area of your life.

So, it’s no wonder that emotional intelligence is quickly becoming a popular skill to have for professionals.

Results have shown that employees with a high degree of emotional intelligence can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line.

Studies have shown that companies that employ employees with high emotional intelligence had more total sales and productivity than those without.

If you’re looking for ways to boost your emotional intelligence, try these five easy-to-follow tips to increase your EQ. These are reasons why you should work to develop your emotional intelligence.

1. Stay Cool and Reduce Stress

Recent studies discovered that changes in body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate are triggered by stress. These can affect your decision-making ability and lower your emotional IQ.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break outside to clear your head. As stress is an inevitable part of life, when it becomes overwhelming it can greatly weaken your emotions and distract you from making rational decisions.

When it comes to work, stress is a big problem. Communication breakdowns can lead to bad relationships. This makes it important to learn how to identify the signs that you are starting to get stressed and develop strategies for managing them

If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, then you’ll need to learn how to quickly minimize the influence that stressors in your personal and professional life have on your mood.

Develop empathy by treating yourself compassionately.

Other people can be a huge source of stress for just about anyone. The opinions, judgments, demands, and requests of others often lead to stress that causes adverse reactions.

When someone in your life rubs you the wrong way, try and see things from their perspective and put yourself in their shoes. There’s a chance that looking at the situation this way will help alleviate any negativity they’re causing.

They could be bluffing, so don’t get emotional over things you think you know. Practice taking five deep breaths before you react to another person’s words or actions tomorrow. Consider their motivations for doing what they did and see if that changes your perspective or reaction

Have a backup plan

Having a higher level of emotional intelligence means being able to identify and manage your own feelings as well as those of others. But, what happens when you’re just not prepared for something that might come next?

If you react to a situation before thinking, you’ll have a hard time handling yourself during the given circumstance. To avoid this from happening, try to plan out what you’re going to do before anything happens.

When making decisions, try to explore the potential outcomes. Even if you seem to be stretching your imagination, it can help to explore things down the line. Spend some time thinking of how you will react to each possible outcome so that you are not caught off guard while making your decision.

With enough experience, you will be able to handle each outcome and develop the ability to think on your feet – even if the outcome is not what you originally expected.

Be Definitive, develop your EQ

Emotional intelligence is shockingly important. Breaking the bad habits we cling to and developing empathy for others can be a key step in developing this. We often use passive language in our writing, but it’s the way we speak and act that tells people who we really are.

Using passive language is not the best strategy to employ no matter what you’re writing. Figuratively, it means retelling the story of your faults and the faults of others.

Do you let things happen to you, or do things happen because of something you did? To raise the IQ in our emotions and relationships, think about what’s been done and remembered.

With emotional intelligence, you can learn how to own the emotions of your private life and show those around you

Practice emotional intelligence on others to make them feel valued and important.

An important aspect of high emotional intelligence is how well you can influence the emotions of others – Psychology Today says that “emotionally intelligent people can also regulate their own moods.” This could be helpful for people who come to you stressed out and panicked. Are you calm as they need you to be, or do they leave feeling more aggravated?

Regardless of the relationship you’re in – whether it’s with your partner, friends, or work colleagues – how you manage relationships will say a lot about how emotionally intelligent you are.

It’s always important to make others feel better about themselves. By making sure that every person you talk to leaves happier than when they first met you, you can improve your emotional intelligence.

2. It’s clear to see that you need to work on your EQ.

Happiness and success are two things you define for yourself, but to do so, it’s important to develop emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence will help in terms of success in your life!!! Research has shown that EQ is linked to career success! Here are some reasons why you should develop your emotional intelligence.

You will learn practical skills which are key to improving your emotional intelligence.

One of the best ways to get better at managing your emotions is to stop yourself before you say or do anything because you can think about it afterward.

Taking a moment to stop and think about your options before you take any action can help you to accurately perceive your emotions and be aware of them as they happen.

Once you’ve recognized your feelings about what’s happening, you can act more rationally for the task at hand.

Emotional intelligence helps people communicate their feelings more clearly. You can also figure out your behavior problems by identifying what you DO vs what you feel like DOING.

Learning self-management techniques not only applies to your personal life but can become a valuable skill for managing your professional relationships. You’ll be able to focus on what really matters during the day and manage things effectively without getting too tied up in minor details

You get to know yourself better.

You can improve your emotional intelligence by becoming more self-aware. This will help you be aware of what makes you tick and thus lead to a better understanding of yourself. This can also help you manage your life better because it may give you a better grasp on things that would have been difficult otherwise.

When you know yourself better, you can choose the right work opportunities more easily and set about your tasks with more zeal. With high levels of introspection and self-awareness, you won’t feel so afraid to jump outside of your comfort zone, or to take on bigger tasks.

You know yourself better because of increased emotional intelligence and that gives you the strength to accomplish your goals. What’s more, when you do, you’ll notice a boost in confidence and optimism that affects every aspect of your life.

3. You learn to be more adaptable

EQ isn’t just about understanding yourself better, but rather helps you understand the emotional needs of people around you more intimately.

Being able to figure out the moods, behaviors, and emotions of others will help you understand how they’re feeling and thus what kind of communication works best with them.

When you improve your communication skills, it allows you to use the best relationship strategy for any given situation.

4. You can build more effective professional relationships

Emotional intelligence benefits you in all sorts of situations. It helps you to communicate better with all sorts of people.

When you know how to communicate effectively, you’re better able to create a positive negotiation environment and become a trustworthy partner for your clients.

If you are dealing with an unsatisfied customer, make sure to check out the reasons why they are dissatisfied before making a rash assumption. High emotional intelligence can help you do this.

Creating long-term relationships with others starts with your ability to build rapport by listening and making yourself emotionally open. To be successful, you will need to know how people around you feel and manage how they perceive you over time.

It’s important for humans to be able to empathize with one another and this is reflected in emotional intelligence.

5. Better manage crises when they arise

When you can heighten your emotional intelligence, you won’t just do well during a crisis, but also most of the time. When things are changing and there is uncertainty, they will look up to and rely on you for guidance.

Having a lot of emotional intelligence helps significantly in managing crises. You need to understand how your emotions affect not only your thinking but also your behaviors. This can help you deal with the crisis better.

Having control over your emotions will also allow you to stay cool during any tough or unpredictable times that might come up.

During times of disaster, you need to be making good decisions. However, you won’t be able to make a good decision if it’s uninformed. In order to make informed decisions, you need the tenants of emotional intelligence, which is linked to well-minded choices.

When you take the time to peel back the layers of pretense and spend some time taking a closer look at the various elements that influence your thinking, behavior, and results, you will always have an opportunity to make better decisions during a crisis that will lead to optimal results.


Having strong emotional intelligence skills does not just mean you excel in these five examples. There are many benefits of achieving high emotional intelligence levels, both for your personal and professional life.

The importance of emotional intelligence continues to be shown in recent studies. Emotional intelligence is a predictor of success in all areas of our lives.

Some of the skills associated with high emotional intelligence might seem like they are best suited for people who have a basic understanding of human psychology.

While it might be easier for people with high empathy to develop their emotional intelligence than for others, anyone can develop their EQ with time and practice.

People who are less empathetic, they’ll need to spend more time practicing being more self-aware and conscious of how they interact with those around them.

If you want to increase your emotional intelligence, these five simple life hacks will help. Once you do, you’ll see your life improve; which will lead to success and happiness!

Short eBook about EQ:


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